Monday, June 20, 2016


As I sit in my car listening to Drake's song "Energy" It reminds me of how important it is to protect your energy and the type of vibes you let into your life! People are always going to talk and have something to say, but you have to be strong and confident enough to know what to value and what not to value. Constructive criticism is different because although we may not want to hear it, most times we could benefit from it. When someone is constantly coming at you negatively, and rudely. You can simply just ignore them! That is SO much easier said than done. But If you let every little negative comment or action into your positive thoughts than you will start to become negative and bitter, making you no different.  In Drake's song he says "I got enemies, I got a lot of enemies, got a lot of people trying to drain me of this energy." I know a lot of us can relate to this, you're living a positive life or trying to and then someone or some people come along trying to drain you of all your positive energy. Thats where being strong comes in so that you can block any negative thing that you don't want in your life. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions. People hate to see you doing better, especially better than them. We all fall short at times and no one is perfect but you shouldn't feel sorry for anyone because they're not living up to their best potential. Unapologetically be your POSITIVE self and keep it moving! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Good Karma

There are going to be people who dislike you and may even express that they hate you, but do not let them drag you down to their level. If you are a good person, stay a good person. How people treat you is their karma, and how you react is yours. Stay positive and stay you! When people are always nasty or mean towards you extend your kindness to them. You never know what someone may be going through or experiencing in their life. There are three reasons why people hate you 1. They see you as threat. 2. They are not too happy about their own life. and 3. They want what you have.  Thats why its SO IMPORTANT to motivate other women and encourage them! Find your God given purpose and flourish! We are all unique and powerful in our own way and I think its actually a beautiful thing when a woman is unapologetically herself! Be Bold, Be brave, and go take the world by a storm! Comparison is the thief of JOY! God made us all uniquely different so don't go comparing your accomplishments and materials to the next person because 9/10 God isn't done with you yet and your time is coming! It can be hard to extend kindness to someone who hasn't been good to you, but what about the times kindness was extended to you and you weren't so loving? Not saying you got to trying to be everyones friend but words of encouragement or a smile is sometimes all people need to make it through the day. Moral of the story Be genuinely good to people, even those that hate you. It'll bring you Good Karma and it gives you a peace of mind, instead of thinking how to ruin someones life how they tried to ruin yours.

ALL Circumstances

No matter what you are experiencing in your life. You should always praise and embrace God! Trust him even when he says NO! A lot of us never want to hear "NO" especially if its something we really want or THINK we need! But TRUST GOD, he will never steer you wrong and he always has your best interest in heart. If he is telling you NO he is saving you for/from something or maybe his no is really a "Not right now." Whatever the case is, Have Faith and trust him! You might not understand what he is doing but when he delivers, you will be amazed and speechless over the plans he has for your life. At times we think to small and settle for less than we deserve or what we think we deserve. Know that God already has great plans for your life that sometimes goes beyond what you believe you are capable of and when you make your own and try to follow your own plans he only lets you get so far before you mess up your life. TRUST HIM! God gives even when we don't deserve and that is something to always be thankful for! 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Strong Women

Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring! Don't be ashamed of your story because somebody somewhere needs your knowledge and wisdom on the same situation ;) 
Have a Great week and be motivated to stay strong for not only yourself but for others!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Respect is Eternal

Never be so desperate to hold on to someone or something that you let go of yourself and your dignity in the process- Unknown

Respect will always last longer. All attention isn't good attention! You can sometimes lose not only yourself but your dignity going against your morals and values trying to get some attention for the wrong reasons. Be you, and give people something to respect!   

“Once you figure out what respect tastes like, it tastes better than attention. But you have to get there.” - Pink Reassurance that respect is way better than attention. 
Its important as not only human beings but as women to always seek respect! Of course we love attention, hence our instagram's and 2000 selfies in our phones, but we must know that doing stuff to try to get peoples attention or trying to get people to notice you isn't always the best thing to do. 

When someone respects you they see you as a genuine person, it doesn't matter what your background is, what your mistakes are, what color you hair is, etc. As long as you are a woman that seeks respect people will love you for just being you and not trying to change for attention. Respect is much deeper than surface level, when people respect you it isn't about the car you drive, the jewelry you have on, or how much money you have, its about the person inside. 

Attention can hinder your reputation where as respect can heighten it. Attention leaves you temporary satisfied, its different with respect, once you're gone people will only be able to talk about your reputation and the legacy you left behind. Not sure about you, but I would most definitely like to be someone that people respected versus someone who always wanted attention like crack addicts need their next hit. 

You crave attention, but you wont have to crave respect. People usually want attention from those who pay them no mind and will go above and beyond to get it.  Once you have someones respect its hard to lose it, unless you just mess up in a major way. With respect you can build trust off that and relationships become stronger. 

Happy people go way further in life than temporary satisfied people! Be You, seek respect and live a happy life! 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Staying Inspired

It's been a while  since i've posted something! I came across this quote the other day and I instantly thought I have to do better !

This quote is so true! Day after day I say "oh i'm so tired and exhausted I don't feel like studying or researching things for more knowledge" but could it be that I am simply uninspired? Think about it, if you wanted it as bad as  you said you did being tired wouldn't stop you from trying to better yourself. I myself am looking for ways to stay inspired no matter what, and I would love to share with you all my findings! 
I think the number one rule to staying inspired is Focusing on what makes you happy!; its so easy to get caught up in your daily routine at work which will make you feel in a rut! but I believe that doing things that make you happy will keep you inspired and happy!  You could write down 10 things that you are thankful for,  you can set time aside to relax and watch your favorite TV show or simply read your favorite book/magazine. Make sure that your desk, room, and work area are tidy, Keeping those places tidy will also give you inspiration and energy! 
Another way to stay inspired is to Keep Learning; spend time browsing the internet, reading, and brainstorming. Anything to perfect your craft and better your abilities! 
Finding people who have similar goals or who want change as well will also help you to stay inspired! there some things that are better when you have others around you pushing you and setting examples for you. For example my friends are TheBomb.Com! Just by being the strong women they are inspires me to be a better me. Its like we all just want to be better women and better leaders! Having a support system to inspire you daily is great! 
Something that should inspire you and keep you inspired is doing something that aligns with your purpose in life! If you walk in your purpose you should know that everything will fall into place and everything will turn out great! you might hit a few speed bumps along the way, but if it is Gods intended purpose for your life you should jump out of bed every morning ready to do work for him! Along with the things I've discussed above about staying inspired here are a few more; be realistic, be thoughtful and stay focused! its so easy to get off focus with so many things going on. Get a sticky note, write goals or something positive and post it on your mirror, on your wall, or your computer somewhere that you will look everyday before you go to sleep or when you wake up, that will be your daily reminder to keep going!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Things I Would Say to My Younger Self

  • ILove yourself unconditionally 
  • Happiness comes from within 
  • You are enough
  • You are beautiful 
  • Someone else success doesn't stop yours
  • Dedication and hard work in life are essential 
  • Stay focused
  • Failure is okay, its how you bounce back that matters
  • Another woman is not your competition 
  • A man DOES NOT hold your worth in his hands
 These are just a few of the things that I wish I would say to my younger self! As humans we are so unique and different in our skills, abilities, and talents its actually amazing! There are things that people go through at such a young age, that will have an affect on their social life growing into the pre teen, teenage, and even adult years! The younger me was severely insecure, I always looked at other girls and thought "why cant I be pretty like them", "why do I have a mark on my face", "Why am I so thin". If I can say anything to my younger self it would be definitely to love yourself flaws and all unconditionally, never let anyone make you feel less than, never let anyone make you feel insecure. Once you love yourself unconditionally and you accept your flaws, nothing and I mean NOTHING will be able to shake you! People will talk whether you're doing great or you are at your lowest; however that is their problem not yours! Be so secure in knowing who you are that negative words go in one ear and out the other. Everyone wants to just be genuinely happy, in order to be genuinely happy you first have to love yourself and then you must do things that make you happy. Don't do things to impress other people, don't look for validation in a man, your job, your friends, etc. Look for happiness within yourself, only you can control that! A man does not hold in worth in your hands, I feel that is important especially for little girls with out fathers in their life looking for guidance. Just because a guy doesn't choose your over another girl or he says negative things to you all the time doesn't mean you aren't worthy of the love you want. It doesn't mean that the girl is better than you or that he is right, it just simply means he was looking for other qualities than what you offered him and that he has some issues within himself he needs to work on. Comparison is the thief of joy! How can you live a happy life if everything good that happens to you, you look at the next person and see what they have and ask why don't you have it? Just BE YOU, Someones success doesn't stop yours! I personally feel like everyone's definition of success is different, so what one person claims as success, may be different that yours. Also with success comes failure! Failure means you're trying, just because you fail does not mean its the end of the world. Ive failed soooooooooooooooooo many times its unbelievable, but I get right back up with the same enthusiasm ready to attack my goals. Another woman is not your competition!!  I think I need to repeat that.... ANOTHER WOMAN IS NOT YOUR COMPETITION!! So many times throughout middle and high school I thought I always had to one up certain girls, but that gets you no where but drained and miserable. The only person I'm competing with now is the person I was yesterday, or maybe even 2 seconds ago!! I also try to uplift women, especially younger girls,  all the thing that  young girls and women have to deal with, the last thing I want to do is make it harder on you! Lets uplift each other and lets all make it! We can actually learn from one another what I lack someone might be great in, teach me and i'll teach you. We all win! I believe that whatever you go through in life, you should not let it make you bitter! I think everything should make you a better person! If you're a good person you will always remain a good person, whether your a good person or a bad person shouldn't change based on peoples actions! How people treat you is their karma, how YOU react is yours!