Monday, June 20, 2016


As I sit in my car listening to Drake's song "Energy" It reminds me of how important it is to protect your energy and the type of vibes you let into your life! People are always going to talk and have something to say, but you have to be strong and confident enough to know what to value and what not to value. Constructive criticism is different because although we may not want to hear it, most times we could benefit from it. When someone is constantly coming at you negatively, and rudely. You can simply just ignore them! That is SO much easier said than done. But If you let every little negative comment or action into your positive thoughts than you will start to become negative and bitter, making you no different.  In Drake's song he says "I got enemies, I got a lot of enemies, got a lot of people trying to drain me of this energy." I know a lot of us can relate to this, you're living a positive life or trying to and then someone or some people come along trying to drain you of all your positive energy. Thats where being strong comes in so that you can block any negative thing that you don't want in your life. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions. People hate to see you doing better, especially better than them. We all fall short at times and no one is perfect but you shouldn't feel sorry for anyone because they're not living up to their best potential. Unapologetically be your POSITIVE self and keep it moving! :)

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