Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Things I Would Say to My Younger Self

  • ILove yourself unconditionally 
  • Happiness comes from within 
  • You are enough
  • You are beautiful 
  • Someone else success doesn't stop yours
  • Dedication and hard work in life are essential 
  • Stay focused
  • Failure is okay, its how you bounce back that matters
  • Another woman is not your competition 
  • A man DOES NOT hold your worth in his hands
 These are just a few of the things that I wish I would say to my younger self! As humans we are so unique and different in our skills, abilities, and talents its actually amazing! There are things that people go through at such a young age, that will have an affect on their social life growing into the pre teen, teenage, and even adult years! The younger me was severely insecure, I always looked at other girls and thought "why cant I be pretty like them", "why do I have a mark on my face", "Why am I so thin". If I can say anything to my younger self it would be definitely to love yourself flaws and all unconditionally, never let anyone make you feel less than, never let anyone make you feel insecure. Once you love yourself unconditionally and you accept your flaws, nothing and I mean NOTHING will be able to shake you! People will talk whether you're doing great or you are at your lowest; however that is their problem not yours! Be so secure in knowing who you are that negative words go in one ear and out the other. Everyone wants to just be genuinely happy, in order to be genuinely happy you first have to love yourself and then you must do things that make you happy. Don't do things to impress other people, don't look for validation in a man, your job, your friends, etc. Look for happiness within yourself, only you can control that! A man does not hold in worth in your hands, I feel that is important especially for little girls with out fathers in their life looking for guidance. Just because a guy doesn't choose your over another girl or he says negative things to you all the time doesn't mean you aren't worthy of the love you want. It doesn't mean that the girl is better than you or that he is right, it just simply means he was looking for other qualities than what you offered him and that he has some issues within himself he needs to work on. Comparison is the thief of joy! How can you live a happy life if everything good that happens to you, you look at the next person and see what they have and ask why don't you have it? Just BE YOU, Someones success doesn't stop yours! I personally feel like everyone's definition of success is different, so what one person claims as success, may be different that yours. Also with success comes failure! Failure means you're trying, just because you fail does not mean its the end of the world. Ive failed soooooooooooooooooo many times its unbelievable, but I get right back up with the same enthusiasm ready to attack my goals. Another woman is not your competition!!  I think I need to repeat that.... ANOTHER WOMAN IS NOT YOUR COMPETITION!! So many times throughout middle and high school I thought I always had to one up certain girls, but that gets you no where but drained and miserable. The only person I'm competing with now is the person I was yesterday, or maybe even 2 seconds ago!! I also try to uplift women, especially younger girls,  all the thing that  young girls and women have to deal with, the last thing I want to do is make it harder on you! Lets uplift each other and lets all make it! We can actually learn from one another what I lack someone might be great in, teach me and i'll teach you. We all win! I believe that whatever you go through in life, you should not let it make you bitter! I think everything should make you a better person! If you're a good person you will always remain a good person, whether your a good person or a bad person shouldn't change based on peoples actions! How people treat you is their karma, how YOU react is yours! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Drop Every Fear

  1. 1
    an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

There has been so many things that I put off, and didn't follow through with because of Fear. Fear was the reason I switched majors. Fear was the reason I took Human Anatomy 3 times in college. Fear was the reason I took the Praxis 3 times and didn't pass. Fear if you let it will stop you from achieving goals and living out your purpose. Don't create your own prison of fear caring what other people think of you. How do you see yourself? What do you think about yourself? Thats all that matters.

So many people go through life living inside of their comfort zone because they are afraid of what will be waiting for them the moment they decide to step out of it(that WAS me). I am still evolving and learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. I believe that my purpose is to help, love, nurture, and be that listening ear for the younger generation. If you are walking in your purpose, what could you possibly have to be afraid of? You are doing God's work so be confident! Step out of your comfort zone, do those things that everyone said that you couldn't. Do NOT let fear stop you from walking head up, shoulders back through your purpose. Looking back on the things I once feared; If I would've asked for help sooner, or worked a little harder instead of making excuses I wouldn't have had to change my major. If I would've studied harder, went to class everyday and actually took anatomy serious I would've got a B the first time I took it and not the 3rd. I will not dwell or live in regret because those things that I was once afraid of are my testimonies; They make me who I am today. It gives me wisdom and knowledge to minister to others, that whatever you tell yourself you cannot do, you will not do. But if you walk in faith you and talk to yourself in a positive manner, you will overcome everything you once doubted yourself about!

Fear isn't a forever thing, you can overcome fear, you can kick it to the curb. Write down all of your fears and next to them write down how you will overcome them. Its time to stop living in your comfort zone, go out there and do amazing things! Be BOLD, Be BRAVE, Be COURAGEOUS. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, mistakes are proof that you are trying. Humans make mistakes, although some people act like Perfect Patties, we all have made mistakes. What happens after the mistake matters most; will you learn from it so that you don't make the same one, or will you just keep making the same mistake over and over making it a choice.

Fear is keeping you from growing! The moment you step out your comfort zone and stop living in fear you will see so much growth within yourself! Everything you want is on the other side of fear! Don't let it hold you back!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Becoming More Like Ducks

People always ask how I am able to stay calm and positive through obstacle after obstacle! Not only is my faith in God getting stronger with every valley; but I simply "Act Like a Duck"  When I think of this quote I think of the Duck and how rain beads and runs off the ducks back! They don't let the rain get them down, they don't go sit in on a pity party because its raining, they are still pressing forward, because progression and goals are only ahead of us, we won't find them behind us or being complacent. Let the rain from those rainy gloomy days roll off your back and keep pushing forward! 

Remember that the Rainbow comes after the rain, we all need a little rain in our lives every now and then. Gloomy days are okay, mistakes are okay, bad days are okay! You need those in your life so when you see the next person going through the same situation, you can help them and minister to them. Be the person that loves to help others up off the ground because you've been there before and you know whats its like and how much you needed someone to help you up. 

A Duck is also smoothly moving across the top of the water, what you don't see is how hard the Duck is moving underneath the water! It is not easy to keep calm with everything seems to be going wrong, I know naturally you just want to fall to the floor, throw a tantrum and wait for someone to come pick you up and tell you everything will be okay. Well heres the thing, for every brick wall you hit; there won't be a person there  assuring you that everything will be alright. Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and keep pressing on! ACT LIKE A DUCK, I'm sure the Duck faces many obstacles but that doesn't stop a duck from working so hard to reach its destination(Goal). There will be times when you want to give in and give up, but DONT. You will lose focus of your goals worrying about obstacles and issues which causes you to paddle aimlessly instead of paddling to progression! Living aimless in life is definitely dangerous, you don't know where you're going, where you want to go, or even who you are at that moment. So stay on track, set goals, stay committed and stay FOCUSED! Never let an obstacle take you out, instead keep pressing forward and working so hard that you have no choice but to succeed and make people wonder how you did it with so much adversity thrown at you! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Its Time to be like Elsa

Everyone is familiar with Elsa, if not she is the star in the movie frozen and all the little children love the song "Let it Go" I believe that in life there are several things that you will have to let go of to live a positive and healthy lifestyle.

The first thing that I believe you should let go of is things that are out of your control. There are some things that you can control and then there are those things that you cannot control. You can't control how people are and what they do or don't say. You cant control how they treat you, but you can control how you react. Trying to control things that you cannot control is very unhealthy. You become frustrated, angry, bitter, and upset at things that you cannot control. When you should focus on those things that you can control, focus on the positive things, focus on the things that matter. You control your attitude and your outlook on things in life. Things  that you think you control that you cannot are simply holding you back in life, let them go and you will feel so much better! You will feel like you are floating on clouds. 

Let go of the past. Yes everyone has a past, everyone has been through quite a few things I assume. you can't sit and mope and dwell in your past and all the bad things associated with it. What you can do is let go of the past and focus on the future, focus on becoming a better you, focus on making better choices, focus on not making the same mistakes again. Although  in life I want you to know, its okay to make mistakes, mistakes are proof that you are trying and that you are learning. Whats done is done and there is no changing that, let your past make you BETTER not bitter! 

Let go of Life expectations and frustrations. You can create your own reality I truly believe in that. But some people have this picture in their mind based off of society on how their life is supposed to be. I want you to know that if you expect something that is not in Gods plan for you, thats  a failure waiting to happen. Ask God to order your footsteps and walk in faith.  Of course we all have goals that we want to accomplish, the frustration comes when you don't complete those goals in the time frame you wanted. Ive been there before; actually several times. I just believe that what I wanted, wasn't meant for me, at that time! Whats for you will always be for you and it will not pass you by. 

Just LET IT GO!! Be happy, being happy takes effort! Be you, accept your past and move on, don't let anyone hold you to the person you USE to be! Improve yourself everyday.  Let go of things you cant control or they will control you in a negative way.