"Think like a queen, a queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness"- Oprah Winfrey
This is totally off subject of the usual education posts, but I believe that every girl/woman should know that she is a queen.
As Oprah said failure is another stepping stone to a greatness, just because you fail at something dosent mean that you give up, you fail at something and you get right back up and keep going.
Not every girl is told that she is beautiful or this she is a queen when she is younger, and even if she is; sometimes society takes you by the hand and makes you think otherwise. In every woman there is a queen. First step to being a queen is loving yourself! Love yourself so deeply that when someone else comes along trying to love you, you won't settle for anything less than what you deserve. You should learn to validate yourself because if not you will be searching for validation in every person you meet. I believe that a queen embraces her flaws and uses those as stepping stones to create a better version of herself. Flaws are okay, society, peers, and people in general will have you feeling like if you have flaws you're nothing. Thats negative, I believe that flaws are what you make them, you can dwell in them, you can try to change them, you can embrace them and accept you for who you are and move towards a better you. Flaws are probably one of the biggest weapons that you will have thrown at you, so accept them ahead of time and it won't phase you when others bring them up. A queen doesn't try to compete with other queens, we are all different and unique in several ways. As women I think its stupid that we (I've been there) try to put other women down as if we aren't all defending ourselves against the same stereotypes everyday. Uplift one another and encourage one another to show more positive images of women, rather than whats been portrayed on reality TV and social media every second of every day. There is nothing wrong with encouraging and congratulating another woman, I promise it won't block your blessings or make you any less of a woman.
As a queen you should know that you are enough and change any thought that says you aren't. You are GOOD enough, you are SMART enough, you are STRONG enough, and BEAUTIFUL enough. I believe that a queen believes in improvement, yes we accomplish goals and we grow through tough times, but Im a strong believer that there is always room for improvement, not for the next person but to be better than you were yesterday, or even 2 seconds ago. A queen should put God at the center of everything she does because as Psalm 46:5 states "God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day." Whatever you put out into the world will come back to you. A queen should put positive vibes, words, and thoughts out into the universe and all those things will come back to you. you may already know these things, or maybe you don't; this is a reminder to wear your invisible crown.... every day!